
Afiya Knitwear Limited

Type of Business                        : Knitwear Manufacturer and Exporter

Legal Status                                : Private Limited Company

Year of Establishment                : 15 September, 2014.

Factory Space                             : 26,000 s.ft

Total Manpower                         : 700 person

Production Capacity : Knit Products  Resources for 09 lines

Garments: 32,000 Pcs. per day,  800,000 Pcs per month (average style)

Monthly Shipment Target            : USD 1.65 Lac (aprx)

Yearly turn over                            : USD 20 Million (aprx)

Production Capacity : Handicrafts Resources for 04 lines

Garments: 12,000 Pcs. per day, 300,000 Pcs per month (average style)

Monthly Shipment Target            : USD 3.00 Lac (aprx)

Yearly turn over                            : USD 3.60 Million (aprx)